State and society
PIQ-PHARMA collabotares with the state, society federal, regional, and city authorities basing on the principles of responsibility and honesty, the legal corporate and business ethics standards.
PIQ-PHARMA complies legal requirements of entrepreneurial activities, pays taxes, carries out management in the field of health protection, labor safety and the environment.
Any interaction with media, controlling government agencies, representatives of other companies is carried out exclusively by authorized employees and strictly in compliance with the job description and local acts of the company.
Contractors and competitors
The activity of PIQ-PHARMA is to maintain and develop long-term, stable, mutually beneficial relations with counterparties who have an impeccable reputation, comply with legislation, generally accepted standards of corporate and business ethics.
PIQ-PHARMA selects suppliers and contractors on a competitive basis, observing the conditions of fair and competitive struggle. Cooperation is based on the principles of responsibility and partnership,
PIQ-PHARMA also appreciates its competitors with respect to rules of business ethics, complying with the requirements of the law, and avoiding unfair competition.
Company employees
The basis of the relationship at PIQ-PHARMA is the common corporate values. The relationship between managers and employees is based on respect for human rights, responsibility, trust and mutual understanding. Managers demonstrate personal example following the norms of business ethics, acting as guarantors of compliance with accepted rules and procedures, ethical standards. The company respects the confidentiality of the personal data of its employees.
The company ensures transparency in personnel management, constantly improves management methods, providing employees with favorable working conditions, opportunities for advanced training, development and realization of potential, opportunities for career growth and development.
All employees are guaranteed equal opportunities for career growth and development regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, origin, place of birth, gender, age, religious beliefs, property, social, official, marital status, political convictions, membership of public associations, physical capabilities.
Any forms of bullying, coercion and harassment, humiliation of honor and dignity of other people, dissemination of deliberately false information that discredit the honor and dignity of employees and undermine the reputation of employees and the company are not allowed.